White Egg Grader  with Flip Weights

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This scale is made to grade* chicken eggs, and it is a rare scale.

The scale is made of cast iron. On one end of the beam is an egg cradle made of cast aluminum that pivots to accept an egg easily.  The egg cradle has a lead weight on the bottom to stabilize. On the other end of the beam is lead counterweight with stamped 18 oz (ounces).

The scale has three flip weights on the beam stamped 1 oz, 2 oz, and 4 oz.  The three flip weights allow the user to increase the target weight by up to 7 additional ounces per dozen in 1-ounce increments. This makes it possible to weigh eggs from 18 to 25 ounces per dozen.

There is a label under the lead weight below the egg cradle that reads: MADE BY / WHITE MFG.CO. / GARDENA, CAL.  US and Canadian patents were issued to Oliver C. White.

This scale is made in several models. Tin models have a wooden base and three to five weights stored in the base.

* See Exhibits > What Is an Egg Scale?
Charley Amsbaugh, North American Egg Scales from ABC to Zenith, ECKO House Publishing, 2011, scale 76.




©ISASC. Photo license: CC BY-NC 4.0


Cast iron, cast aluminum.
Length 9 in. (23 cm)





White Manufacturing Co. of Gardena, California, USA, “White Egg Grader  with Flip Weights,” Antique Scales Collection Online, accessed May 18, 2024, https://isasc.omeka.net/items/show/140.


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